Healthy Habits Child Healthy Habits Child Healthy Habits (Child) Email to receive your copy (Optional) Confirm Email to receive your copy (Optional) Enter a confirmation email address. Date * (MM/DD/YYYY) Patient * DOB * (MM/DD/YYYY) Questions 1. My child eats this many servings of veggies a day (a serving is about the size of your fist) 0-1 servings 2-3 servings 3-4 servings more than 4 servers 2. My child eats this many servings of fruits a day (a serving is about the size of your fist) 0-1 servings 1-2 servings 3-4 servings more than 4 servings 3. My child eats out More than 4 times a week 3-4 times a week 1-2 times a week 0-1 time a week 4. My child is active Not very often Less than 30 minutes a day 30-60 minutes a day More than 60 minutes a day 5. My child has sweet drinks soda, sweet tea, 100% fruit juice, sports drinks, other fruit drinks) More than 3 cups a day 2 cups a day 1 cup a day Not very often 6. My child watches television, plays video games, spends (non-school related) time on the computer, table, or cell phone More than 2 hours a day 1-2 hours a day 30-60 minutes a day Not very often 7. Most nights, my child sleeps Less than 7 hours 7-8 hours 9-10 hours More than 10 hours 8. If you could work on one healthy habit, which would it be? Make half your plate veggies and fruits Limit screen time Be more active Drink more water and limit sugary drinks Get the right amount of sleep I am not ready to work on a healthy habit If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit